Somewhere in the last week, I passed 20,000 hits???
Wow! How cool is that!
I still am not quite sure how people have come to find me (other than my beloved Splitcoast-see the link to the left), or really care what I have to say. And maybe you don't! You only come here for the cards . . .
Well, I like making them so you can keep right on coming!
On that note, in an effort to relay my appreciation for those of you who continue to come and visit. . . my first ever giveaway to my blogger readership.
I don't usually give aways, but 20,000 is a big deal to me--and it never ceases to make my day when someone has something nice to say in a comment, or via email. Which lately has been more often. . .Thanks y'all!
Anyhoo. . .Here is what I am tossing out:
Two unmounted stamp sets: Lots of Thoughts and Garden Silhouettes, a packed bottle of primas, an unopened prints pack from the current selection of hostess sets in the catalog, as well as an "egg carton" box from Papertrey Ink. (That was supposed to be altered for Easter. . . .um, yeah . . .we all know how that happens sometimes :)
Hope this is suitable for my first ever "blog candy". . .all you have to do is leave me a comment on this post with something you like about my blog. . .It can be anything-I assume there is *something* you like. . .as I see you are here!
Thanks again. . .I really enjoy doing this, and it is nice to know "people are watching" ;)
I will pick a winner at random on Friday evening. . .good luck!
I love your blog! There is always something to inspire my creativity after seeing all of you cleaver ideas. Thanks for the inspiration and the great ideas! Mandy
Congratulations Robin! I just happened on your blog about two weeks ago and I'm hooked. You have such GREAT, simple ideas. Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us! Ashlee
What a yummy treat!! I would love to have that - esp. the little notes set. What do I love about your blog? Gee - what' not to love? Seriously, I love how simple your cards are - they are so pretty but they look so effortless! I also love your easy writing style - like we are just sitting over a cup of coffee.
Congrats on 20,000 hits!
Whoa! Suitable? That blog candy rocks! Well, I stumbled across your blog from some project over on Splitcoast and I come back because you kinda crack me up every now and then and I like seeing your work. You have clean designs which I like a lot.
Wow...what generous blog candy you are offering! I came across your blog from the Lovin' Stampin' Up blog listing SU! only blogs. I like checking out your creative designs. Congrats on your milestone.:-)
I check your blog almost every day! :) I look forward to seeing the fun stuff that you make...Thanks for the inspiration!
I love your blog! I check it almost everyday for the wonderful inspiration and the stress relief. :) Thanks for sharing!
Wow! I just recently found your blog and entered it into my google reader. I like yours because you use SU products and I like your style. You help me to use all of the SU 'stuff' that I've been collecting over the years.
Yay Robin!! Well I love your tips as well as your awesome pictures (you're so good at capturing all the little details!!!).
Wow! This is FANTASTIC candy! I am sooo coveting that prints pack its unreal. Anyhow, congratulations on your accomplishment. I think we all love your blog for your fantastic stampability! I LOVE all the SU projects and it's peppered with just enough personal. Thanks for your blog and keep it up, I know I'll stay a loyal reader!
I check your blog almost every day. Your style is one that I like, simple but catching.
I love to visit the other SU! only bloggers in our SU! only splitcoast blog group, and you post frequently so I keep coming back!
I'm mostly a scrapbooker, so any and all ideas that I can replicate with my customers and my business is appreciated.
Congrats on the awesome achievment!
My favorite thing about visiting your blog is that I say to myself-
"I wish I thought of that". You always have a simple twist and idea you take away to try. And as a fellow demonstrator ideas to transfer over to show customers.
Hi Robin!! I happen to see a card you posted on Splitcoast. I saw your blog link and had to check it out. I am new to the “Blog” thing!! Your Blog has inspired me to start my own. I never thought I would have my own Blogger page, but now I do & I love it!! Thank you for the inspiration, the laughs & sharing what you love! I love the fact that you are a SU! Gal just like myself!! Keep up the AWESOME Job!!!
I love visiting for inspiration. I love when a blog post leaves me thinking I wish I would have thought of that. Congrats on the hits! Fantastic candy too.
You have great talent! I liked the altered tins! Thanks for sharing!
I have been visiting for a couple of month's now. I am hooked! I love your creativity and humor. I found your blog on the SCS site. I am inspired by your projects. Congrats on 20,0000 hits. WOW!
I'd love to win. I found you through Split Coast, I'm pretty sure but I've been stooping by via Google Reader and admiring your stuff. Thanks for the inspiration!
I love your creative card ideas. You are so good with color.
I came across your blog from the Michigan Minglers thread on SCS. I try to look at it every day and see what your latest creations are, which are always great. I really like the wedding set you recently did. Keep up the great work with your blog and you'll hit 30,000 hits in no time!
I'm not quite sure how I found your blog either, but I have been visiting everyday now for a couple of weeks (and will continue!!!) I really like your 3D items like that super cute origami cup and the pockets and blooms "bonus" card. The variety between "simple" and more complex cards is great, too. Somedays I just don't feel like making an elaborate card! :)Thanks for a great blog!
I love how your projects are always something I can reproduce. They're cute and creative, but not so difficult or terribly time consuming that I can't make them too. I also love that you use SU! products and give me new ideas on how to use products I already have. I love and appreciate the inspiration you provide!
What a great job you are doing with your blog! I just stumbled on it not too long ago and have been enjoying your projects. This is a very generous give away and I can not tell you how fun it would be to win.
Thanks for the chance and keep the great samples coming!
I just found your blog from SCS and it is fabulous! I love all your projects with Enjoy Every Moment set. I just got mine in today and have been working on mounting it. Thanks for the great ideas!
Congratulations on your 20,000 hits...awesome!!!
I love your card ideas especially your recent trifold card using the Summer Picnic paper. Looks great! Could you send me a recipe for that card? Could you tell me how to make one? Have a great day!
I have had your blog bookmarked for forever, and I'm always checking it out. I love your Pockets and Pieces project! You are very talented and definitely inspire me! Keep it up! I love your style!
Congrats on all the hits! woo hoo!
Thanks for the blog candy too... love it!
Bobbie *Ü*
I have you in my reader so just your happy face is nice to start. You remind me of Angela Cartwright the actress from Sound of Music.
anything else is icing. be happy.
I check your blog every day to see what wonderful things you have created! Your ideas are so creative and help to inspire me. Thanks for taking the time to share with all of us!
super cute origami cup. I made some of these at halloween for my son's 5th grade class. Love your blog!
I found your blog listed on another blog. Since then, I've bookmarked your site and check it daily just to see what you've created. Thank you for your never ending inspiration!!
Amazing blog candy, you outdid yourself! I come to your blog because I enjoy your style of card making and because you use mostly Stampin Up products. Congrats on the 20,000 hits and thanks for the chance to win. jmniffer
Like most people I imagine, I came across your blog through SCS. Someone CASE'd one of your cards, so I had to come and check it out. Love your style! :o) Trina
I put you blog in my favorites because I enjoy you clean crisp cards and you always indicate how you did it. You have great ideas and inspiration. Thanks for sharing your wonderful creations!
I found your blog through a friend and I love it. The are plenty of ideas and you use SU stuff which I love. Lots of great stuff in the giveaway and thanks for all the inspiration.
That is fabulous Robin! Congrats on the success of your blog!!!
I found your blog through a friend. I find many great ideas and you use SU stuff which I love. I love the giveaway and thank you for all the inspiration.
I subscribed the first time I was directed to your blog. I love your style of stamping. Thanks for sharing your talents with the "cyber" world.
I like you cards and your nice and crisp pictures. Thanks, Kathy Hering...
Love all the wonderful ideas. Such fab candy! Congrats on all of your hits!
Wow! Amazing Blog Candy! Your crafting projects are top notch, and the layout of your blog is user friendly. Congrats on all your hits!
Wow...sometimes I have to fib a bit about someone's creations (shh!) but not yours! You could have a lot of these creations in the SU! catalog...good for you! BTW, love those simple cards from the previous post...I would want to add more!
I come see you blog for creative inspiration. I love your color combos and quick-npeasy designs. I love all your gift ideas too!
I just found your blog through Allison's posting and after looking back I can say that I will come here often for inspiration! Your projects are great and I'm glad I found you!
WOW ~ What an incredible giveaway!
I so love your 'style'!
Robin- Congratulations 20,000 hit is amazing! I have been admiring your beautiful work for a while and am very excited that so many other people enjoy you as well! I am very greatful to get a dose of creativity every time I check your blog which truthfully is every other day! I like to enjoy my coffee with a side of beauty! Keep up the great work and here's to 30,000 hits!!! Thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas. Breeze
I love all the great pictures you share of your projects (I am a visual person)! You've got awesome ideas and a true talent!
I love coming to your blog because you inspire me so much! You have great use of color and your work is just beautiful. Congratulations.
I love love love your blog so much that it's hard to pick ONE thing I love about it. But if I'm forced to, I'd have to say that I love the simplicity of the cards you share. It's nice knowing that you don't have to spend hours on every single card for it to be fabulous.
Thanks for offering up such awesome candy and congrats on the milestone! :)
Your creations are wonderful. I love that your style isn't over the top with embellishments. It makes your cards very tempting to CASE, especially the park bench/bird one you just did!
Thanks for sharing :)
Congrats on the hits! Wow, quite an achievement. I think the thing I like most about your blog is that you provide close up shots of the details on your cards. It's great! Awesome candy you're offering up too! Thanks. ~chris
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog! I'm not sure how I stumbled upon it either, but it's a must check daily. Thanks for all the wonderful ideas you share with all of us :) ~Heidi
OMG, super exciting to have 20000! i'm jumping up and down with you in spirit! I just passed my 1000 mark, and I hope I can make it up to where you are! Anyways, what I love most about your blog is how organized you seem. Even your formatting of your blog page seems organized! I really admire that. Thanks for being an inspiration to us! Kristi
I love your blog for the ideas and inspiration, but what I particularly like is how well you photograph your creations.
Well, the name of your blog drew me first, but it is the simplicity and elegance in your card designs that has kept me coming back. I enjoy visiting your blog!
you have some awesome creations. I see a stamp set you use and I think 'now I didn't care for that set till now!'Congrats on all the hits!!!!!
I love your cards. The pocket card you recently posted is so cute. Thanks for the chance to win.
I just adore you and your blog!!!! You have such great ideas and post so often!! I love stopping by everyday to see something new. By the way I do appreciate the help you gave me at Splitcoast about posting the links to the mini's on my blog. Thank you so much!!!!! It is always nice when a fellow blogger can help out another. I can and will return the favor to you just ask!!!!
BTW...I just nominated her and your blog with an award. Check out my blog for more info.
Congratulations on the hits! What I like the most about your blog are the beautiful cards you're showing. I like seeing other's work and use it as an inspiration for my own cards.
Thanks! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies
I absolutely ADORE your blog - know why - cause you ALWAYS make me laugh AND inspire me!! You are suppa talented girl!! This blog candy rocks - wow!!!! Congrats on your 20,000 hits - you are loved!!!
Congrats on all the well deserved hits! The reason I have your site bookmarked is because I LOVE your style. Your cards are always unique, creative, and you choose such lovely color combos. I love that they have the right amount of embellishment to be interesting, but never over-done or gaudy.
Now that's some sweet candy. I've never used prismas and those stamps look like gotta haves! I came across your blog through the google reader... its suggests blogs based upon those I already read and I added yours as soon as I saw it!
I love the simplicity of some of you cards. Of course, there are always to more involved projects and I love those, too. I visit for inspiration and motivation. GREAT blog candy! Thanks!
Love the samples. Congrats on the blog hits. What a milestone. Here's to 20,000 more. Thanks for sharing the blog candy.
Woot! Congrats on your many, many hits. There's sure a lot more to come! Esp with your beautiful creations! Lovely eye candy!
Your cards area always so well made and professional looking which. I like that you use mostly SU products. I came across your blog because of your posts on SCS. Your blog is great and I visit because I like your style!!
I love your blog and creations everything always looks so neat, I come here everyday to see whats new, it's the first blog I visit:)
What I love about your blog are the details. I appreciate those close-up photos that answer "how'd she do that?" I relate to your style and enjoy my precious alone time in the mornings with my coffee and your blog.
Congratulations on your milestone.
I love the clean simplicity of your cards. Sometimes less is more, ya know what I mean? Keep up the good work!
I love your style of cards. I enjoy checking your blog daily for more inspiration. Great blog candy! Congrats!
I like how you can make simple cards look so elegant. I have tried and tried but mine never look as classy or elegant as yours.
Thanks for a chance to win the wonderful blog candy.
Congrats on the 20K hits - that's awesome!! I really like your card-making style. The cards are beautiful and easily CASED by less-creative people like myself!
Kerry Morgan
#59 (from Diane Z.)
I LOVE the fact that you nearly always take a close-up shot of each card along with the full-size photo. That is very helpful in order to see all they yummy details!
Also LOVE the blog candy you selected--hope I win!! : )
IStampItAll (Diane Z.)
Congrats on your hits!!! I just found your blog and I must say your work is aboslutely gorgeous....will defintely be putting you in my favs. TFS
Cindy C.
Who wouldn't want that fabulous blog candy! I found your blog from a link on someone else's blog - sorry.....forget who's! Anyway, I subscribed right away and love seeing what you've created! Congrats on your 20,000 hits!
Wow! 20,000 is awesome. I love your ideas. I love that your style is very clean & creative still. That's my style & I love getting ideas from others. Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful cards and lots of inspiration!!! Thank you for sharing..and very YUMMIE blog candy. Smiles from Sheri :)
Congratulations on all the hits!!
I love your creativity and the detail you provide for your projects!
I'd really, really love to have these stamps :) Thanks for the chance to win!
Congratulations on all the hits!
I love your style of crafting. It is simple but elegant. You always know when to stop embellishing (which a lot of people don't)! Thanks for sharing your talents!
I just love lookin at your stuff Robin! I love your style, color combos and the fact that its all easy to duplicate! BTW - great blog candy!
I LOVE your blog - you share such gorgeous ideas with us and I find all your work very inspirational.
Your comments are funny and light and just what I need! I subscribe to your blog so I get updates every day! I love, love, love it!!!!
I look forward to seeing all your project ideas. I appreciate your clean, simple and incredibly well crafted style. I'm not surprised you have had over 20,000 hits on your blog. Your work is lovely.
Like someone said earlier..what's not to love??? Your blog has great style and ideas, and man would I like to get a hold of that box! Congratulations! Your blog rocks!!!
I love your is just comfortable. Kind of like chatting with a good friend...and the cards you create are pretty awesome too. No wonder you have passed the 20K mark! Thanks for sharing with us.
Your blog is fantastic. I like the way you photograph your projects. You show different views and I like that a lot! Thanks for sharing your talent and thanks for the great "eye candy" and inspiration you give.
Denise G
Congrats on all the go girl!! I love to see great pics of amazing creations...that's why I check out your blog! Your Easter egg card is still one of my all-time favorite cards...simple, yet stunning! You really should submit some of your cards for publication.
What an awesome give-away...thanks for being so generous and for this chance to win!
Happy Spring!
~Brenda H.
I love your Blog..I'm suscribed, *finally* I get great ideas and like to look at all the cool projects you think up.
I just found your blog through Allison,It's amazing to see all your comments,so from what I see you have a fabulous blog which means I'll have to be back again and again!
Congrats on all your hits,and thanks for the chance at your big prize!!!!
Amazing Candy! Thanks for sharing with us. Congrats on 20,000.
Was directed to your blog from another. Love the simplicity of your cards. I have a child with autism and time to stamp is hard to come by.
Robin, I only found your blog a couple of weeks ago, but i've been drawn to how wonderfully simple your cards are. I like that style too. And yes, I do like what you have to say. I love this whole blogging thing.
I just love your stampin' style! Clean, fresh, modern. Just like me. :O)
Thanks for the blog candy opportunity!
I love all the great SU inspiration you share... Your style is so fun and approachable!
Thanks for sharing the fabulous blog candy!
I love love love your blog! I get the daily emails and am never disappointed! You're awesome!!
I love how simple yet beautiful your work is. Thanks for sharing and for the great blog candy.
Congratulations on your well-deserved 20,000 blog hits! I really enjoy your creative style and like to check your blog for inspiration. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win the fabulous goodies!
Something I like about your blog? Are you kidding??? Love the entire thing! You are crazy awesome and I hope you don't give up blogging anytime soon!! I am thoroughly enjoying the inspirations I receive from looking at your amazing work. Thanks for the work you go through to share your work. Congratulations on a huge accomplishment. You deserve it!
Congrats on your 20,000 hits - that's awesome.
I just found your blog and before leave my comment I checked out all yor blog, my goodness girl, you are so talented, I love every single one of your cards.
Your creativity is great!!!
You are into my Favorite blogs, Can I add you in my blog list?
God bless you
Fifty-eight posts already? OK, so I don't stand a chance of winning your awesome package. But I still want you to know how much I love and appreciate your inspiration. I always know where to turn when I have "stamper's block!" Not to mention, it's a great way to keep tabs on ya between Hostess Clubs:) Congrats on the big 20000! I'm sure we'll be celebrating 50000 in no time;)
Thanks so much for sharing your cards and ideas. Congrats on 20,000 hits---you are the greatest!
Linda Peterson
I like your cards the best and it's heartwarming to see pictures of your family as well.
I love your March hostess club project... quick and easy. And I love the colors!
I love checking out your blog! I am faily new to stamping and do not know how to do a lot of different things but I get a lot of inspiration from your site. Congratulations. I would love to win your give away.
I love to visit blogs for ideas and since I mostly have SU sets, it is good to go to those blogs like yours that can inspire me.
Thanks for the chance to win some neat blog candy.
Well, of course I love your cards! Haha! That's the reason why I subscribed! The reason I love your cards so much is not only because you use Stampin' Up! but because of how fun and fresh your cards always look! You do a fantastic job and I will admit, I stalk your blog daily! Haha! Thanks for the huge blog candy opportunity! Congrats on the hits, you definitely deserve all of them!
Hi Robin I Love your ideas, I have a 21 month old Grandbaby and I am making a scrapbook for her. Thanks for sharing all the Great ideas. Love Your Blog!
I found your blog from another site. I spent a long time looking at it. While I love all your projects, I enjoy some of the simple cards. It makes me realize I can make a simple card and the sentiment is still the same.
I just stubled across your blog and I love it. You have a clean style that I very much lean to. You mix it up with cards, little projects, and a little personal. A winning combination in my book. I added you to my reader. Thanks so much for sharing this very generous blog candy
OMG!!! I am in love with stampin up!!!! Those stamp sets look like so much fun!!! I love your photography, the colors of your blog, and the overall feel of comfort I get when I visit.
Cheryl KVD
OOOh what fun candy!! Why do I love your blog... well aside from the amazing projects that you post, I love how you photograph them. And I think I found your blog thru Lovin stampin up not SCS actually!
I enjoy your blog, and look forward to the emails that I get from you. I love your cards, it gives me GREAT inspiration. I also enjoy reading about your life and your family (no psycho here lol). But I just simple enjoy the way you write, and there aren't many interesting blogs out there that I can actually sit my ass down for and actually read everything that's on it!! And you take awesome pictures, very clean. Your blog looks 100% professional! Lots of Love from the Big NYC :)
CONGRATULATIONS!Great job. And thank you so much for a chance at winning some awesome blog candy, how generous of you. I just love your creations, you are very talented. Keep up the great job
Wow - 20,000! I hope SCS does that for MY blog too:) I keep coming back to see your BEAUTIFUL simple cards. Your writing "voice" is amusing too - I actually read what you write (not just look at the pictures!). Congratulations on your milestone!
I clicked on your blog as you were mentioned in another blog I was reading. I looked at your samples and really like your style. I knew I was hooked on your blog when you said grab a coffee and visit a bit :)I see other readers feel the same way. Congratulations! Susan N.
Congratulations! Okay, so besides your adorable creations, I love your profile picture:o) You are so friendly and sweet looking!
I just LOVE your Blog!! Your projects inspire me to work outside my box, mix mediums, use neat embellishments and so much more. I have sent so many friends to visit your blog and I am sure they have sent friends. Please keep on is talent like yours that helps me to be a better crafter! Thanks for sharing your talent with us!
I recently discovered your blog thru my up-upline's blog and I have to say, I'm going to CASE you like crazy. Your cards are beautiful.
Congratulations on 20000 hits - I am sure like me everyone comes here to see your cards and great ideas.
Congrats on the milestone of 20k hits! I found your blog thru SCS. I love your blog because I love your style of stamping, the photos- love the closeups. Thanks for the chance of the amazing candy! Hugs,
Congratulations! I love to visit your blog because your cards and projects are simply great.
I found your blog by accident about a month ago, read all the archives and keep browsing here every morning, while having my coffee. This is my favourite everyday routine! I love what you do, beacasue you pick so "my" colors and make simple, yet very sweet things!
I love your eye candy as well, I love getting inspiration!
Hi Robin, I like you cleverly folded pocket card! I see that we're "neighbors". I live in Mt. Pleasant! I teach classes at Scrappin and Stickin! I used to be a SU demonstrator, but I let it lapse, now I'm just trying to use up supplies! thanks for the pretty ideas. jane
This is my first time visiting your blog--had to after I saw some of your creations on SCS. I love the simplicity of your designs. Thanks for sharing.
Janet B
Just recently found your blog and I love your creations - especially that altered stuff!! (those little round boxes you did recently are sooooo cute!) And the simple cards - why didn't I think of that? (thanks for the chance)
What can I say, Robin!? Congratulations on all of the hits and your loyal following .... pleased to call myself one among many!! You're a great teacher and I'm thrilled for you that through your blog you have been able to reach out to so many stampers :) Thanks for sharing your tremendous talent.
I am posting here for Tracy G. at -- she is having trouble posting, and has been chatting w/me via my email.
We will figure this out Tracy!
I have to be honest and say I just found your blog today via Allison's "Stampin' When I Can." I have been checking out your site and your cards are beautiful. Checking out cards is the number one reason I surf. It never ceases to amaze me the amount of talented stampers out there willingly to share. I don't have my own blog yet but I feel it's bound to happen soon!!!
Thanks for the chance to win!!!
Shelley G in Iowa
I visit because I love your work, your easy way of breakin' it down for us not as talented folk and your sense of humor. Your friendship over the past 6 years has been amazing! Love ya!
I enjoy looking at your cards and projects. They are so pretty and adorable. I love the card using the Pick a Petal Brass template as I just got this template and wasn't sure what to do with those petals. Thanks for sharing your creations.
Love all the fun projects you include in your blog.
Of course, you're also on my SU only blog roll list so I'm guaranteed to visit all the time! LOL
Congrats on 20,000! That is a big deal!!!
Congrats on your blog milestone! I love your creativity and 3-D items!
Wow! COngrats on all the well deserved hits. You blog is great. I love the background colors and your cards are easy to recreate. I need that as I have no creative imagination myself.
Best wishes,
Hello! I love your blog for the beautiful card that you make and that you update your blog very frequently. I love seeing a new card almost everytime i visit your blog!
I love your ideas!!! Great cards!! Thanks for sharing!!
Wow, I LOVE your blog and style! I just found you via SCS and I'm adding you to my Google Reader for daily peeks. Congratulations on the hits!
I am so enjoying the SU blogs. I love all the new ideas and different and unique ways to use a stamp set.
Hello Robin,
I like EVERYTHING about your blog. I've just discovered blogs and the only ones I look at are stamping related, so many great artists out there, and wonderful people for sharing! I don't know how you have the time to do all that you do and creat a blog on top of that. I've just started uploading some of my creations on scs and am soooo excited when someone leaves me a message. I didn't realize how important that was before so now I try to leave messages for others. Thanks for sharing your art.
(gail, you just need to post anonymously if you don't have a google id. but as I am doing the drawing right now. . .I will post this for you.)
I just LOVE your use of embelishments on your cards! I usually horde mine but since I've been CASEing your cards, I'm using them! Thank you giving awesome blog candy!
Robin.. Your blog is absolutely awesome & so full of GREAT ideas.. I have your site bookmarked and visit when your emails come thru stating you've posted something new.. WUHOOOOO for YOU for hitting 20,000+ hits. You deserve all the recognition you receive..
Love your BLOG!!! Keep up the GREAT job..
I have recently gotten into stamping and making cards and over the past few weeks have visited many blogs and watched many videos on stampin up demonstrations. I would just like to say that your cards are simple but beautiful!!! I love that you don't overdo it on embellishments and keep them simple and elegant. Seeing other cards really helps us that are just starting out get our creativity going. THANK YOU!
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